Aucune traduction exact pour Saudi Basic Industries Corporation

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Traduire anglais arabe Saudi Basic Industries Corporation

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  • Sasref provided a copy of a memorandum of understanding between itself, Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (“SABIC”) (represented by SADAF) and the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
    وقدمت "ساسريف" نسخة من مذكرة تفاهم مبرمة بينها وبين الشركة العربية السعودية للصناعات الأساسية ("سابك") (التي تمثلها "صدف" واللجنة الملكية لجبيل وينبع).
  • The following non-governmental participants were represented: Accord Australia, American Chemistry Council, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment, Associated Labour Unions - Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, Association du Réseau Méditerranéen pour le Développement Durable, Basel Action Network, Basel Convention Regional Centre for Africa, Centre for International Environmental Law, Centro de Análisis Y Acción en Tóxicos y sus Alternativas, Croplife International, Day Hospital Institute for Rehabilitation and Development, Development for People and Nature Associations, Earthjustice, EcoLomics International, Environmental Health Fund, ETC Group, European Chemical Industry Council, European Nickel Industry Association, European Society for Research and Prevention on Environment and Health, Friends of the Earth - Germany, Global Village of Beijing, INCHES, Independent Ecological Expertise, Indonesia Toxics-Free Network, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Cleaning Products, International Chemical Secretariat, International Council of Chemical Associations, International Council on Mining and Metals, International HCH and Pesticides Association, International Panel on Chemical Pollution, International POPs Elimination Network, International Society of Doctors for the Environment, International Trade Union Confederation, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, International Union of Toxicology, Island Sustainability Alliance, My Right to Know Foundation, National Cleaner Production Centre, National Movement Friends of The Earth, Occupational Knowledge International, Pesticide Action Network, Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development, Safechem, Sahanivasa, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Tanzania Association of Public, Occupational and Environmental Health Experts, Thanal, Toxic Watch Network, Toxics Link, United States Council for International Business, Waste Environment Cooperation Centre, Women in Europe for a Common Future, World Chlorine Council, World Federation of Public Health Associations, World Trade Institute, WWF. A number of other non-governmental entities were represented as observers.
    وبعثت المنظمات غير الحكومية المشاركة التالية بممثلين:Accord Australia, American Chemistry Council, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment, Associated Labour Unions - Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, Association du Réseau Méditerranéen pour le Développement Durable, Basel Action Network, Basel Convention Regional Centre for Africa, Centre for International Environmental Law, Centro de Análisis Y Acción en Tóxicos y sus Alternativas, Croplife International, Day Hospital Institute for Rehabilitation and Development, Development for People and Nature Associations, Earthjustice, EcoLomics International, Environmental Health Fund, ETC Group, European Chemical Industry Council, European Nickel Industry Association, European Society for Research and Prevention on Environment and Health, Friends of the Earth - Germany, Global Village of Beijing, INCHES, Independent Ecological Expertise, Indonesia Toxics-Free Network, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Cleaning Products, International Chemical Secretariat, International Council of Chemical Associations, International Council on Mining and Metals, International HCH and Pesticides Association, International Panel on Chemical Pollution, International POPs Elimination Network, International Society of Doctors for the Environment, International Trade Union Confederation, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, International Union of Toxicology, Island Sustainability Alliance, My Right to Know Foundation, National Cleaner Production Centre, National Movement Friends of The Earth, Occupational Knowledge International, Pesticide Action Network, Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development, Safechem, Sahanivasa, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Tanzania Association of Public, Occupational and Environmental Health Experts, Thanal, Toxic Watch Network, Toxics Link, United States Council for International Business, Waste Environment Cooperation Centre, Women in Europe for a Common Future, World Chlorine Council, World Federation of Public Health Associations, World Trade Institute, WWF25 - وحضر ممثلو عدد من الهيئات غير الحكومية الأخرى بصفة مراقبين.